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  • Writer's pictureBethany Brown

New Art Medal

This is my newest art medal to be entered into the British Art Medal Societies student competition. Titled Anguish vs. Comfort it looks into how sometimes it doesn't feel like you own your own body and how sometimes the safety of bed is far more attractive than the world outside.

The medal is made of sterling silver, oxidized silver and gold-plated bronze, if you remove the blanket, a small removable oxidized silver womb is revealed.

Anguish vs. Comfort

There have been huge leaps for equality for men and women recently, with the introduction of the Male contraceptive pill and the slow closing of the gender pay gap. Yet, I don’t feel my body is my own. My body is owned by the big pharmaceutical companies that develop contraception pills with a long list of side effects that alter my moods, brain and body. My body is owned by the men in Government who say tampons are not essential items but biscuits are. My body is owned by the people on the streets who cat-call and touch me without consent. Because I am not my own person, I am something to be owned and used.

On one side of the medal you see a woman splayed out on a sheet covered in medical instruments with an IV drip on her arm and mask over her mouth. Huddled in the fetal position she has no say in what you do to her removable blackened womb.

On the other side you see her snuggled up under a comfy duvet, looking peaceful and calm. The world is ugly out there; sometimes it’s better just to stay in bed.

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